
Feeling into the season. Not only is it Autumn and not only has it been one of the most vividly magnificent autumns in recent memory, but the shedding I have facilitated within myself since the turn of the season has been one for the books. But that’s just the thing. It has facilitated an ending which ushers in the beginning. In my personal spiritual journey I have had many amazing tools flow in and out of my practice. The one I am called to share about today is inspired by today’s Scorpio New Moon.

Shadow work. Protecting Self and protecting personal progress. Taking time to sit with the expansive energy of a celestial body asking for your openness. As women, honoring the place in our cycles to incorporate and make the connections of where your sacred womb space is in her material dance. For me it has been a gift that cleansing took this body into an early moon time. Which has led to an early ovulation time right in line with the New Moon. Talk about being ready to co-create! The act of honoring the body, recognizing the connections she is making with the energies around (cosmic, angelic, astro, etc.) and the spiritual guidance of the ancestors have interwoven to this moment. And the magic is that as I’ve leaned in, these synchronicities happen all the time. Not that I always choose to use them, because sometimes, let’s be honest, all I want to do at new and full moon times is sit in the tub, say thanks to all the universe and go to bed (I know my limits!). BUT this particular Scorpio New Moon has me all jazzed up and playful with my co-creators; even the “dark” ones (you have to have dark to have light). I choose to play with this New Moon. 

The work you do on yourSelf is work but it is a choice. Instead of giving you any sort of suggestions for how to spend your New Moon time I simply honor you for attuning to yourSelf and appreciate all who show up for themselves. Boundaries Protect Your Work. 

#newmoon #Scorpioseason #astrology #normalizemenstruation #ovulation #cyclicalliving #honoryourbody #NourishyourSelf #knowthyself #selflove #selfinvestigation #Shadowwork #turninward #rituals #eveholistic #holisticwellnesscoach #youcanhealyourself #ontheeveofyou #nourishment #movement #spirit #eveolve #eveolution #receive #movementismedicine #yogateacher #eveholistic #newmoonrituals #radicalselfacceptance #selfcare #thedivineisinsideyou #purepotential


The most wonderful time…. To take care of yourSelf


Autumnal Equinox: a time to cleanse