The most wonderful time…. To take care of yourSelf

Willow Arlenea .

December is cruising. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays it is a good idea to check in with yourSelf, everyday. Yes, make the 15 minute commitment that will keep you centered. Whether your go to Self-care routine includes meditation, taking a walk, breathing exercises, etc. what matters is that you don’t skimp out on yourSelf. It can make all the difference in how you feel when you are jumping to and fro in all the holiday happenings.  

Go ahead and close your eyes and ask yourSelf: How can I better Nourish me… You probably had an item pop right to the top. That’s your Higher Self answering. Sometimes we then talk ourselves out of it. Well, don’t. Decide to honor thee knowing. 

Here are some simple ways to make your body work better for you. 

5 ways to start or upgrade a new healthy eating habit:

  1. Add more greens. Go for it, just buy the fresh spinach, kale, or even collard greens. Whether you are a green veteran or trepidatiously entering this zone of the produce section for the first time, simply adding a serving of greens to one or more of your meals can do wonders for your body. Here is some research about it

  2. Gut biome refresh by adding probiotic. Add a daily supplement or simply intake via yogurt, kombucha, or kimchi to your rice bowl. Find out additional ways here.

  3. Delightful nutrient dense toppings to what you are already eating. Having oatmeal, smoothie or chia pudding for breakfast? Add Flaxseed, hempseed, or sesame seeds for extra protein, omega3’s, and antioxidants. Each goes great with a salad or rice bowl topper as well. Get creative at every meal.

  4. Avoid eating out. Replace one take out meal this week with an easy meal such as basmati rice and steamed veggies. Or this soup recipe, add carrots for color and leave out the cheese for avoiding extra calories. Make a big batch on Sunday and turn into multiple lunches.

  5. Speak nourishment into your food and beverages. Prayer is powerful. And it can be as simple as telling your food thank you for nourishing this body, I love you. (I respect you, I thank you, I love you) You don’t have to call it prayer, but your words matter. Food is energy and you can add to it by speaking high vibrations to it. (I respect you, I thank you, I love you)

Wrapping up the year strong feels good and your energy in January will thank you for taking some time to Love yourSelf. Right now.

