
I am here to Love.

Presence. Peace. Persistence.

Life is a journey and mine has been heart led for as long as I can remember. Throughout my journey there was a constant questioning within how I related to others that kept me from really feeling this as my own voice however. My curiosity for being around others and to see life from their point of view almost negated my point of view for a very long time. The story of who I was will be told over the course of time with this “eve-olving” work, but am grateful to now be living in the present moment in a place of full love for mySelf and have an intense desire to help others find this same Inner Peace. Living from a place of flow (non resistance), trust, gratitude, faith, LOVE, and connection to a Divine Source that is both mysterious and inspiring. Among many other qualities. I strive each day to grow into the best human I can be. To take full advantage of my time here on Earth. To foster deep connection to the Divine Source (God and Goddess Universe) and to bring that forth in how I relate (relationship) with others. I am here to serve through loving awareness. I AM.