Autumnal Equinox: a time to cleanse

Image from Shakuntali Siberia

Image from Shakuntali Siberia

Saying goodbye to summer as we are a few days from the Autumnal Equinox. The air has already changed, there is a crisp feeling in the mornings and late afternoons that sing to my heart. Utah is blessed with all four seasons, some of which sit better or worse depending on the person. I am a spring, autumn, winter, summer person. However, as we enter fall it is a fantastic time to get contemplative, to remove a bit of play time from our schedules and ponder what is ready to be released. As the nature around us releases, we can sync with it and feel what our bodies need to release. In her book “Goddesses for Every Season,” Nancy Blair says

“...Autumn signals a time to clarify and integrate what we gathered from our Summer experiences, determining what is valuable, wise, wondrous and useful as well as learning to let go of what is not.”

Autumn is truly an amazing time from an energetic standpoint to make space and time to cleanse and detoxify the body. A time to work with the body to unwind and release what our playtime the last few months has layered within our vessels. Our bodies need help from us and remaining in unconscious patterns of how we eat, move, and practice or don't practice a spirit connection (mindfulness) can lead to compounded dis-ease and weigh us down physically and spiritually (emotionally and mentally).

We are in a time of great change and so many human beings are ready to jump into a new way of living. With so much information and misinformation it may seem overwhelming to start. To realize and understand that this isn’t a quick fix, and all your body goals will not be achieved within any four day, seven day, three week or even three month long “diet”. This is an opportunity to look at it as a lifestyle change. To honor and serve your body with foods that nourish it from the inside. Taking space from a rushed pace to be mindful with your eating and to get quiet with yourSelf. To intentionally allow the body to release old patterns and ways of being that are holding you back and giving enough compassion to take it one step at a time can bring in a richness and enliven your Highest Self. 

Starting with your mindset. Addressing how you approach your relationship to your body and to food. Noticing the patterns you have with when, where, and what you eat. Listening to your intuitive knowing of where you can serve your body in a more fulfilling way. Finally, taking action on that internal cueing. One day at a time.

While there is a lot I could say and suggest about what to eat, it is really as simple as these three things:

  1. Cook your own food

  2. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Mix in nuts, seeds, meat if that’s your preference (go for organic whenever possible), and a selection of grains that are powerpacked with nutrients. (quinoa, amaranth, basmati rice, forbidden rice, etc.)

  3. Honor the source and receptacle of and for the food (thee earth and your body)

Okay there are a few more but I will leave you with one more. 

4. Take your time

Time to eat, chew and honor each bite you take. Feel into the nutrition of each ingredient. Experience what your body is experiencing as you chew, swallow, and begin to digest your food. And even honor and thank this vessel as it processes and eliminates the waste, taking toxins out and leaving room for you to consciously activate its potential by adding what serves you. Your potential is limitless. 

If you would like a guided approach to detoxifying during this season, including recommendations, recipes, accountability and even prepared meals if you feel overwhelmed by cooking ALL your meals, you can connect with me here. I’d love to help.




The Green Smoothie