

To be able to receive in life brings our dreams to us. When we are only giving and not allowing room for others to give to us and asking for help even, we can block the flow of receiving energy in our direction. 

Receiving help me has come up for a lot in the last 8 years as I’ve navigated a life I wanted to create. Interestingly receiving practice has come back in a big way the last few months. It was called to my attention by an oracle card reading after many days of feeling overwhelmed at everything I was trying to get done and do and be for others. When she spoke the words from the card drawing, it resonated deeply. And that word ... receive ... became my mantra. It morphed for now as open to receive love but really I carry “be open to receive” with me through each day now. 

Which can inhibit the flow of our true dreams. Of what we are working towards and manifesting. The energy of receiving allows the things we want to come to us. Taking opportunities to let others give to us is sacred feminine energy. So why as a people, and especially as women, there are those of us out there, that just always give. If receiving is challenging for you, yes in many capacities, I offer up this challenge for you. Be open to it. Seek it out where you didn’t think it was available. And let me know what changes, yeah?

Peace and love and hugs and kisses. 


The Green Smoothie
